Additional ways to reach us are via our general FHR PTA mailbox at and Frances Hazel Reid PTA facebook page.

Carson Miller 

VP Educational Programs
Erin Robinson 

VP Engagement / Fundraising    
Christina Davidson

VP Hospitality
Lauren Lentz

VP Social Programs
Katie Berger

Recording Secretary / Communications 
Kesit Evans

Lindsey Hoskins

From left to right: Lindsey Hoskins, Kesit Evans, Christina Davidson, Carson Miller, Katie Berger, Lauren Lentz, Erin Robinson

FHR PTA 2023-2024

Every Child, One Voice

Our Mission 

Our PTA strives to strengthen, enhance, and encourage the education and social environment of Frances Hazel Reid Elementary School.  We aim to complement the school curriculum with additional opportunities for parents, teachers, and students to learn, communicate, and grow. 


  1. Drive strong sense of one community within FHR and surrounding locality.
  2. Help to advance the educational foundation of FHR.
  3. Build out PTA membership of families and teachers > 150.
  4. Fundraising to support educational needs for our students and teachers.

We hope to have your support via donation and/or volunteer hours.